Truly inspiring

Laying in bed 9am


worked a full 12 hour shift. The last few days I felt kind of sick, I felt as thou I was going through withdrawals. Withdrawals from sugar of course. This morning I feel great! I actually am not tired, foggy, or lethargic.

As I take this health journal I pray every day that I have full mental health. If you worked where I worked you really would understand why I pray this prayer.

Mental illness is really under served. My prayers go out to a celebrity we all loved very well in the movies.


Pray for each other, you really never know what people are going through.

To help get through my gloomy days which I have many sometimes believe it or not, I pray that God gives me the strength and die to my flesh daily. I also eat right by incorporating more nutrient foods like fruits and vegetables.

My first year of weight loss was a complete mental battle. Nights I would cry to my boyfriend and when I was diagnosis with Pcos it really shook my ground. BUT GOD has always made away for me.

Somedays I do not feel like working out but when I finish my 30 minutes I feel like I am on top of the world!

I was on youtube the other day

I stumbled across this inspiring clip on the Steve Harvey show of these three amazing ladies.

It is a much see!!!! Click here to watch it. I don’t want to spoil it but I want you to have a little fun and guess each one of these ladies ages!


You are going to be amazed at how old they really are!

After watching this video it really inspired me to keep with my health journey and know it is never to late to start a health journey.

Watch the video let me know what you think!

I’ll stop writing here I don’t want to spoil the age!


  1. stephanie

    What is Pcos?


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